Maria Chiara Demartini

ENG Maria Chiara Demartini is full professor in financial and management accounting at the University of Pavia, Italy. Her main teaching activities relate to financial accounting (undergraduate) and performance management (master’s and PhD level). She is a Visiting Scholar to the University of Lancaster and Associate Editor of the journal SN Business & Economics, Springer. From 2016 until 2018 she sit as non-executive director for the I.R.C.C.S. Policlinico San Matteo Foundation Trust, Pavia, Italy. She is PI of several projects:

  1. The research project “Measuring, managing and reporting sustainable innovation”, financed by the Department of Excellence of the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Pavia;
  2. The national research project (PRIN) entitled “Non-Financial disclosure and Audit Quality:  Future perspectives in Italy and Europe (n-FAQ)”, including two other research teams (Università di Pisa and Università degli Studi Internazionali di Roma);
  3. The international project eXplainable Artificial Intelligence in healthcare Management (xAIM)”, where University of Ljubljana, Keele University, Universityof Hannover and Goethe University of Frankfurt are part of the consortium, co-financed by the European Commission;
  4. The international project DIGital skills for transformative Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship (DIGI-ME)”, co-financed by the European Commission.

She is master coordinator of the program “eXplainable Artificial Intelligence in healthcare Management (xAIM)”, and of the Master in International Business and Entrepreneurship (MIBE), both of which are international and English fully taught programs.Her principal areas of research are the design and use of performance management systems, with a specific focus on healthcare organisations; the tone of non-financial disclosure, also for for risk management and audit risk in for-profit organisations; sustainable performance management. She has authored papers on leading management and accounting journals, such as Accounting, Organizations and Society, Journal of Intellectual Capital and International Journal of Small Business Management.

ITA – Maria Chiara Demartini è professoressa ordinaria di Economia Aziendale presso l’Università di Pavia. Insegna Economia aziendale, Performance management of ESG practices e Healthcare management. E’ visiting scholar presso la University of Lancaster (UK). Attualmente è coordinatrice di un progetto di ricerca di rilevante interesse nazionale (PRIN) dal titolo “Non-Financial disclosure and Audit Quality:  Future perspectives in Italy and Europe (n-FAQ)” e di due progetti internazionali intitolati “eXplainable Artificial Intelligence in healthcare Management (xAIM)” e “DIGital skills for transformative Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship (DIGI-ME)” finanziati dalla Commissione Europea. E’ coordinatrice del master di primo livello in eXplainableArtificial Intelligence in healthcare Management (xAIM) e del Master in International Business and Entrepreneurship (MIBE), entrambi erogati dall’Unievrsità  di Pavia. Dal 2016 al 2018 ha ricoperto il ruolo di consigliere presso la Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo, di Pavia. I suoi principali interessi di ricerca riguardano la progettazione e l’uso di sistemi di gestione delle performance, con particolare riferimento alle aziende sanitarie. Chiara si occupa, inoltre, di altri temi, tra cui l’informativa non finanziaria e i sistemi per la gestione delle performance della sostenibilità; legami culturali e sociali negli studi di storia della ragioneria; e l’uso di social media nell’insegnamento di discipline economico-aziendali. E’ autrice di diverse pubblicazioni su riviste scientifiche di elevata qualità, tra cui Accounting, Organizations and Society, Journal of IntellectualCapital and International Journal of Small Business Management.

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